
Principle and application scope of common waste gas treatment equipment

2020-10-09 893

In recent years, the concept of low-carbon has been rooted in people's hearts. Air pollution control has attracted attention from all walks of life. The following Jiangmen waste gas and wastewater treatment equipment company introduces the principle and application scope of common waste gas treatment equipment.

1. Masking method

Principle: use a stronger aroma and odor mixture to mask the odor so that it is acceptable.

Scope of application: it is suitable for the occasions that need to eliminate the influence of low concentration odor immediately. The odor intensity is about 2.5 and there is no organized emission source.

2. Dilution diffusion method

Principle: the odor gas is discharged into the atmosphere through the chimney, or diluted with odorless air to reduce the odor concentration and odor.

Scope of application: it is applicable to the treatment of odor gas with medium and low concentration.

3. Thermal combustion method and catalytic combustion method


Principle: fully mix odor and gas at high temperature to realize complete combustion

Scope of application: it is suitable for the treatment of high concentration, small volume of flammable gas.

4. Water absorption method

Principle: some substances used in odor are easily soluble in water, so the odor components directly contact with water and dissolve in water to achieve the purpose of deodorization.

Scope of application: odorous gas from water-soluble organized emission source.

Source: Jiangmen waste gas and wastewater treatment equipment company http://www.raruitaidz.com

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